I've been tagged by Mel, which means that you all (by all I mean the 3 people who read my blog) get to read 6 oddball facts about me and thus receive a small glimpse of my quirky nature.
1. Every night, almost without fail, I have really ridiculous dreams. I can almost always pin them to conversations or events that have happened the day before. Last night I had a dream that I was in Mexico at a Nacho stand where a shirtless boy was serving me custom nachos with olives and extra fresh squeezed limes on top. The olives kept falling through the bottom of the thatched bowl. The whole dream likely stemmed from the in depth research Ryan and I did into the calorie count of a new nacho plate at Taco Bell. (ask me about the green hanger, I'll laugh so hard I cry)
2. I'm super afraid of balloons. When I was in 3rd grade I went to a birthday party and participated in a relay race. My leg of the race required me to run to the other end of the yard and sit on a balloon until it popped. Instead I did a half squat and cried hysterically... my team lost.
3. I hate having my belly button touched. Even the mental image of (or blogging about) a finger in my belly button makes me want to gag. It makes me think of umbilical cords and abortions, both of which I cannot stomach. When I have a kid I'm closing my eyes until the cord is gone, I'd feel really bad if I puked on my baby.
4. I love lists. I am so scatter-brained and they make me feel a bit sorted. I have lists for everything. Lists of things to write. Lists of authors I like. Lists of things to do. Lists of quotes. Lists of goals. Lists of qualities I want in a relationship. Lists and lists and lists, most of which are saved on my computer in a folder labeled "lists," which is quite full and might soon require a subfolder.
5. I can't stand meatloaf. I don't know that anything else needs to be said about that because, well, it's meatloaf. Yuck.
6. I don't watch TV. Unlike most people who say they don't watch TV, I REALLY don't watch TV. The closest I get is my Sex and the City dvds, which is a show I started watching while working at Conroys, well after the show was off the air. Contrary to TV, I regularly watch waaaaay too many YouTube videos. In fact, here's one of my favorites.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Eye Candy
Saturday, December 13, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 5:03 PM 2 comments
On the Heels of Discovery
Tuesday, December 9, 2008The following is a photo project I did with a piece I wrote. The idea was to take a small portion of a piece and take it outside the confines of the medium (paper). The photos are not in order of the stanzas. Also, please forgive the horrible photo editing, consider the cause my and iphotos combined lack of skills.
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 7:33 PM 1 comments
There's a Theorem that Says:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008There's a theorem that says:
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 6:13 PM 2 comments
The Dawn of a New Era...
So we all know I'm not in Kansas anymore... or London, as the case may be (mere semantics). So I've finally decided what I'm going to do with this here blog, aside from the obvious occasional updates on pivotal moments in my life. This includes, but is not limited to: sweet trips I intend on taking, embarrassing moments that will inevitably occur at various points in my future, and important meals I may consume (because let's not kid ourselves about the importance of food in my life). Oh, and when, by a miracle of God, I graduate from college, you'll all hear something about that too.
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 5:59 PM 1 comments
I Run Like A Girl
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 8:18 AM 3 comments
Coming Home Again
Friday, July 11, 2008And so the end is upon me, at least for now. At the moment I'm sitting in a coffee shop in London (not ideal for my last day here, but if you could feel how heavy my backpack is you'd understand why I'm being stationary). Paul's cousin Matt is coming to meet me when he gets off work and then we'll meet up with Chris and Cat at his place so that I can shower and change into an outfit that I HAVEN'T been wearing over and over for the last month. After that we're meeting up with Paula and some other Wood Greeners for my last supper at Wagamama's in Covent Garden followed, hopefully, by Ben's Cookies and perhaps a bit of dancing at KoKo as long as Chris is up for it. Otherwise, perhaps we'll just have drinks at Punch and Judy's and watch the street performers from a safe enough distance so as not to feel obligated to give money.
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 7:22 AM 1 comments
Why do you call pork pigs?
Saturday, June 14, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Markets, Meridians and Mayhem
Monday, June 2, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Now it's time to say goodbye...
Thursday, May 22, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Apollo 13 to Earth...
Sunday, May 18, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 3:51 AM 0 comments
I hate kids... Like that
Tuesday, May 13, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 6:12 AM 1 comments
Frolicking about in our summer skin
Wednesday, May 7, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 2:19 AM 0 comments
What's the definition of Juxtaposition?
Monday, April 28, 2008At the moment life is much more boring than "business as usual." I've been stuck inside the past week writing papers (or rather, doing the preliminary sit-in-front-of-my-computer-and-get-distracted ritual that I go through for about a week before my mind is ready to do any actual work). My papers are due the 6th so now I've actually got to do something about it. However, not before I write this exceedingly boring little update.
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 6:20 AM 1 comments
Half the clothes and twice the cash
Saturday, April 19, 2008Last week my parents were here. It was really great to see and spend time with them and finally share my life here with someone from back home. We did a lot of walking (far more than they anticipated) and I am happy to say that both they and I got to see a lot of great stuff. After picking them up from the airport and having their first (very long) tube experience, we got them checked in, went to Pret for some sandwiches and wandered the city. Their hotel was right by Green Park, which connects to Buckingham Palace, so we went there, then through St. James Park and saw the Horse Guard Quarters, Westminster Abbey, Parliament and Big Ben, and then walked into Trafalgar Square to find a pub. This was at about, well, it was before dusk anyway. So we go in and get drinks, sit down and a very nice, very drunk man starts talking to us, particularly to my mother about the US and shepherds pie, at one point we thought he was actually going to order her one. That night we ate at Wagamama's and then went down the street to meet some of my friends at the Sports Cafe because Thursdays are £3 wing night (20 of them!). They got to meet Liz, Paul, Chris and Ben before they knocked out for the evening.
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 5:28 AM 1 comments
Merci. De Nada.
Thursday, April 3, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 1:22 PM 1 comments