This week was a really calm week. I didn't do much other than read and go to the gym a lot until about Friday. Wait, that's a lie, I feel like I always say that the week was uneventful and then I remember everything that I did! Okay, so Paul left a little over a week ago, but not before we spent a bit of time with his cousin Matt one afternoon. This was to my good fortune because I now have another friend in the London area. We met up Monday to go to the National Portrait Gallery to see the Tudors and to otherwise count how many people we knew in each room (not many); our attention spans got us through a whole hour and 20 minutes before we called it a day and headed for the nearest coffee shop (Starbucks... go figure). We got lost in Trocadero trying to find a place to sit and then went to Covent Garden for a drink and some WAGAMAMAS! Oh man, I'm going to miss that place so much. Saw the new Indy with my friend Chris, his girlfriend and Liz, I must say, a bit disappointing. Oh well!
Wednesday I attempted to go back to the Portrait Gallery to see the Vanity Fair exhibit only to find out that it had ended Monday (hence Matt and I seeing a "sold out" sign for it). A bit bummed but not deterred I spent the afternoon in Camden Town wondering why I hadn't spent more time there in the first place. It's basically a free for all of every kind of person you can think of, dressed any way you can imagine and it's wonderful. There are a lot of street markets, vintage shops and food stalls so I had a fantastic time wandering and buying myself a very small medley of salmon sushi for £4, thanks Camden.
Friday Liz and I met up with Pete and Sharon at Borough Market and tasted quite a bit of yummy food. It's like free samples at Costco but better. We all had lunch together and then Liz and I wandered around Brick Lane for a while, took lots of pictures of graffiti (perhaps a Banksey in there?) and bought a few little things at some of the stalls. On our way back we saw a shop that was selling prints of Banksey's graffiti and Liz is actually going to go back and buy one, they're so interesting! This picture is of Liz and I with some of the "wall art" around Brick Lane, it doesn't do the wall justice, but we look cute so whatever!
It was amazing, people were ripping down adverts and tube maps and wearing them around their clothes. There were people dressed up as super heros, alcohol bottles, and Boris Johnson (mainly funny blonde wigs). It was supposed to be a cocktail theme (if you hadn't guessed) so there were a lot of people in fancy clothes and some tuxes. By the time the train was moving again all of the boys I had made friends with had to pee and really the sweatiness was rather unbearable so we got off at the next stop and found a pub to hang out in. I called Liz but she was, by that time, at home safe and sound. The next morning I read about the party and there were 17 arrests and 6 trains taken off of the platforms due to vandalization and damage. Apparently it got even more rowdy after we left! Here's one of the few pictures Liz and I got before we got separated, hopefully it gives you even a fraction of a picture of the amount of people involved. I have pictures of the platform as well, nothing but a sea of bodies! I'm so glad we went, it really was a fabulous thing to witness.

So there is my amazing story about the tube party, I suppose reading about such an event is not the same as witnessing it, but believe me when I say it was like nothing I've ever been to before. Tomorrow Andreas, Liz and I are off to Austria and Czech Rep. for 6 nights. I'm really excited because Rick Mohr got me in contact with his cousins so we will be meeting up with and staying with them in Vienna and then we will be staying with my elementary school friend, Hamilton in Prague! It's always so much more fun when you have people to show you around or at least tell you where to go so we're really excited to have some locals on our side! Hopefully I'll have plenty more to share when I get back!
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