As of about 2:30pm yesterday (Tuesday, May 6, 2008) I officially turned in all of my papers and seminar worksheets, thus marking the beginning of my glorious summer. Erica and I went and got paninis and a milkshake and headed to Trent Park for the cut and print. We brought beach towels (of which I left mine at Trent Park, like an idiot) and laid out on the lawn near the river, it was a perfect day out... see? this point Andreas and I decided to share my ipod and show everyone what we're made of (which, turns out, consists of singing a healthy mixture of the Newsies, Wicked, and Disney soundtracks). I also reinstated my tan lines, but just barely. Liz was partially absent for this because she needed to go back to the main land for some bread (Trent Park doesn't have a Liz friendly menu as they do not sell plain loafs), and, it turns out, a package of razors. Fortunately, I was nice and did not put up the picture of Erica dry shaving her legs in the middle of the grass.

At approximately 4:03pm we headed for the first engagement of the afternoon, the English Department party. The goodies table looked something like this...

A healthy variety of alcohol... white wine, rose wine, red wine, and PEANUTS! Plus chips and a whole slue of candy bars. We had some wine, played a little game we like to call "Doctor Reflex," (that's a lie, it didn't have a name) which is basically just hitting each other in the knees and laughing when our legs jump... classy. Paul and I walked out on to the balcony and played with the cutest little girl, she was dancing and singing Dora for us while we looked at the amazing view. After that we went to the study abroad party where they set up beer pong (Paul and I lost to Liz and Andreas... go figure) and I talked to a girl for a bit about grad school possibilities. Liz, Erica and I took a walk back out to the lake and then Liz and I decided to leave to go home. We met everyone for chinese but Paul and I weren't feeling it so we got kebabs (or in my case, hummus and pita) and came home to watch Sex and the City before we went to pick up the first of this weeks many house guests, his friend Tommy.

Here is the very par milkshake that Erica and I shared. The weather is gorgeous again today, and should last all week. Paul gets here this afternoon and then we are off to our friend Ryan's birthday celebration tonight. I'm so happy it's summer!!!
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