Dream On, Dreamer.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm in the mood to dream.  Any form of dreaming will do.  My unconscious dreams usually have me waking up in a pretty good mood.  This morning I woke up from a dream where Ryan and I were being chased by killer bees and, naturally, took refuge in his parents dental office.  We decided it was a good idea to meet Amy at KFC, forcing us to run for our lives.  I like my night-dreams.

My day dreams are just as wonderful, though decidedly more realistic.  My dreams, though, are about a far off time/place.  A time when I'm no longer in college, a place where I have a career.  A time when I'm much more sure about the direction I'm headed and where that leads.  A place with a little room to breathe.  I want financial stability, job security, stimulation and passion (in no particular order).  

I need to find my niche.  The niche I dream about all day long and that same niche that manifests itself abstractly while I sleep.  

On an almost entirely unrelated note, I read an article on Cracked.com today that was talking about the 5 Ways Your Brain is Messing with Your Head.  One of the items mentioned is that a study of the brain showed that when faced with a decision, you have actually made a decision before you make it.  In other words, before you are conscious of having decided on a given choice, a part of your brain already "knows" the decision you're going to make.  The article then questions what that implies about free will.  I'm not sure what I think about that, but it's interesting to think that God could be in my head guiding my hand (or even finished guiding my hand, for the moment) as I type.  Besides that interesting point, I'm now addicted to Cracked because their articles are altogether informative, relevant, and witty (maybe they'll hire me).

I'll leave you now with a picture from last weekend's Big Bear trip. Fortunately our cabin was full of amazing props for this picture...