This last week was jam packed with a whole lot of interesting experiences. I'll give you the highlights because there's just way too much! Tuesday night was the epitome of a train wreck here in the halls, who knew college could be so dramatic?! So the synopsis goes like this: Heath Ledger died; Andreas got too drunk to get to the club so he got off the tube mid-journey and stumbled himself home; Barclee forgot her id and couldn't get in once we got to the club; at the club I went outside with some people and, because the bouncer was a pooper, I was not let back in, partly because I was saucy (and I swear it was partly because I was wearing the worst shoes ever that I trip in stone cold sober, let alone after having some drinks in me...but maybe that's just me trying to make excuses, hehe) so he wouldn't let me back in so Paul and I left; got some chinese food with Paul and got back to the halls only to realize my keys were in Becky's purse so I slept in Paul's bed, he on the floor; woke up in the middle of the night to people yelling at each other in the stairwell; few minutes later there are more people yelling because one of the Greek girls, Vivian, got her door superglued shut and had to hammer a hole through her door to open it; Jenni got left on a bus by herself super late at night and the result was pretty much everyone had a crappy night and an even crappier morning. I woke up feeling as if someone had punched me in the nose and broke it because I was SO stuffed up, basically I was slightly sick until the middle of that night when my body attacked itself and decided it hated me. Whew, RIDICULOUS! SO, that night was a huge adventure, we all just laughed about how ridiculous it was. (okay, so it sounds dramatic, but what's studying abroad without a few crazy adventures, right?)
Monday, January 28, 2008Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 12:02 PM 4 comments
The Field of Chefs
Monday, January 21, 2008 Just got back from 3 fantastic days in Sheffield. We arrived by train at 2 am so we pretty much went straight to sleep. Nick (Erica's boyfriend) has an amazing student flat with 7 rooms in it. It is right down the street from the Uni in Sheffield (which is also beautiful). I'm quite jealous of their comfy accommodations compared to my little cell block. Some of his roommates were out of town for the weekend so Liz and I got quiet, roomy beds all to ourselves, such wonderful nights sleep! So Saturday we girls were on our continued mission for boots and jackets. I found an amazing pare of boots that I didn't buy because they were £100, did find a wonderful and cheap scarf, though! We ate at a nice little sandwich shop and went to Champs to watch the football game (Sheffield Wednesday vs Sheffield United). Then it was off to the mall where I bought a fantastic jacket and a really cheap dress and top. We ate dinner and went back to the flat where we met up with some of Nick's friends/roommates and headed out to a bar and then to a new club. The picture is of us (Nick, James, Sam, Me, Erica, Craig and Liz) at a bar before the club. Such a fun night!
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 9:08 AM 5 comments
That's How I Do... EVERYDAY!
Friday, January 18, 2008Too many funny things get said around here, I can hardly keep up. I wish that I could tell them to you all and that you'd laugh as hard as I did/do, but of course, "you had to be there" would surely be the product, so I will satisfy myself by titling my blogs with nonsensical phrases that float around.
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 9:56 AM 2 comments
Everybody say London!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 I'm not really sure where to start, so much has happened already! I'm very much settled in at this point. I have made a great group of American friends that you will all hear about repeatedly. As things progress I will try to post various pictures to give you faces to go with the names (In no particular order: Ben, Andreas, Paul, Chris, Randy, Liz, Barclee, Erica, Jenni, Katy). Most of us live in the off campus dorms at Wood Green, which is about a 30 minute tube ride from both central London and our Trent Park campus.
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 2:54 PM 5 comments
Nothin But Blue Skies
Saturday, January 12, 2008Just woke up to my second day in London and so far it has been nothing short of interesting and wonderful. I flew with my friend Chris so that was really nice, especially when we ended up having a 3 hour delay in Chicago. We got on the first plane and had to get back of because of some engine problems, finally got on the second plane and then it started snowing so they had to spray the plane down, we thought we'd never leave the ground! I'm sure you all could go without hearing this (I could too...) but when am I ever short of unnecessary details? Once on the plane Chris and I both took melatonin (gotta love it) an knocked out for most of the flight, it was a pretty turbulent flight and right in the middle the captain came on the speaker and said "everyone get in our seat and buckle up immediately, it is too dangerous for you to be walking around!" So I looked over at Chris and was sure that the captain had just induced panic on the plane but everyone was fine and we're here safely.
Posted by Ahhh! Shley at 12:29 AM 2 comments